Friday, July 16, 2010

in the end only kindness matters.

Have you ever stopped to think about how fast time really does fly? How it feels like just yesterday we were all still in kindergarten and living at home with our family, and we didn't have a care in the world.

This is part of my beautiful family.

They are the most relaxed, fun, loving people you could ever possibly meet in your life. They always are playing and laughing, and they never let the little things of life bother them.When Merri backed her 15 passenger van into a huge rock her darling husband just said "it's just a car".

But the wonderful father of this family has something.


My big question is why? why him?

He is always so loving and happy. I don't think he's ever done anything in his life to deserve getting sick. He has a wife and a family. He has a life, and he's not done living it.

When I look at the people around me, People in my Family, People in my social life, People I don't even know that well... I notice a lot of drama.

What is the point of it??

Life is so short. So why waist most of it being mad because of something some one said, or something some one wrote on facebook, or because of something someone did years ago? Why can't the world just learn to forgive and forget?

The other day Jeff and I were driving through Lehi, and we got stuck in a pretty bad traffic jam. Jeff turned off the car and after a few minutes I got sick of waiting and started complaining.

We were stuck on a road I've driven down at least 100 times in my life. Not much had changed, it was just a road in the middle of Lehi. As I sat there in the silence I looked out my window and for the first time in my life I noticed a brick wall/fence thing. I was amazed that after all these years this was the first time I had ever seen it. As I looked at that wall i noticed how beautiful the sky was and how perfect the long grass looked behind it.

It was beautiful.

How often do we find our self next to the most beautiful things in the world. But we never see them because we are to distracted by the things of the world?

I've always secretly wanted to get cancer. I don't necessary want to get sick and have to live half my life in the hospital or anything. But have you ever noticed how people with illness look at the world with a whole different set of eyes? As hard as I try to always see the world with those eyes I always seem to forget to keep on looking at those brick walls and beautiful blue sky's. My eyes always pull me back to the world.

So is it really that bad of a trial to get sick?

These people have been picked. Picked by god. Picked to come down and help teach the world a little bit about learning to look through those other set of eyes. To help us learn to love life, to love others, and to learn to let the little things go.

"If I could tell the world just one thing. It would be, that we're all O.K. and not to worry cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these.

I won't be made useless, I won't be idle with despair, I will gather myself around my faith, for light does the darkness most fear."

I don't know a lot of things. But one thing I do know for sure is that the Church is true. I know that god has sent us down to this earth to learn and make mistakes. But he sent us to this earth so we could return and live with him forever . Because FAMILIES ARE FOREVER.


  1. Oh my goodness Kenna.That was beautiful and I love your perspective on things. What a meaningful and peaceful view. It's so true.
    I watched My Sister's Keeper and cry and just ask why people have to get sick. Luckily, I haven't had a personal encounter with cancer in my life or with my family. But catching just a glimpse of life of cancer in that movie, I respect families going through that. It is comforting knowing that they were specifically chosen by Heavenly Father do go through what they are, because they are strong enough. THey are special messangers. I'm praying for your family and I hope they know that through the special and strong people that they are, they are teaching me and others how to love deeper and stay true to Heavenly Father.

  2. That is really sweet McKenna! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Thanks Mckenna, I really needed that. :)

  4. Mrs. McKenna, that is the best insight I have ever heard. Leave it to you to bring something amazing like this up. You are an amazing girl and I am so glad you brought this to our attention. I pass through there all the time and never once have seen that fence. This is a real eye opener. Thank you for bringing this up, again your amazing and I love ya! Thanks for all of this insight!

  5. So beautifully said McKenna. I'm so sorry about your uncle and so so sorry for his family. I hope they have all the strength they'll need to get through this huge trial in all of their lives. Thanks for helping me remember the important things in my life and cherish every moment I have with Mitch.
    No one is every given a trial that cannot handle. You must have one amazing, strong and courageous Uncle & Family.

  6. You're a good girl, McKenna. I love you!

  7. I feel like crying with sadness and happiness. Thanks for the reminder about the things that really matter in life!

  8. I absolutely LOVE this, I really needed to read it and be reminded the important things in life. :)

  9. Thanks for you post Kenna. I agree, sometimes it takes a big thing to happen to see the little things. It helps remind me to live and love every second I've got.

  10. i agree with ellie. it takes a big, tragic, life threatening thing to impact our lives for the better. weird how something so terrible can actually turn out to be a tender mercy. (again, it is all on perspective).

    i feel for your family. thanks for bearing part of your testimony. :)

    love you cute girl. :)
